The Black Wolf

ISTJ • Aries • 03.23 • Married to Yeux

Formerly known as Gaius van Baelsar, the Black Wolf and Legatus leading the XIVth Imperial Legion.

Due to an incident which led Yeux wanting to save his adoptive sibling, Abel, it caused him to sunder his World, ultimately giving up the life he has with Gaius and their foster family.

Having a feeling that he will be separated from his beloved, Gaius ended up embracing Yeux tightly, looking at him in the eye and smiling before swearing to find him no matter what, no matter when, no matter where.

As Yeux had been collecting their other shards' souls upon their passing, both wolf and fox have, since then, been armed with knowledge and skills from their other lives that assist them in combat or investigations.

Although Yeux is someone easy to approach and talk to due to his friendlier demeanor, one will always sense the looming presence of a wolf guarding his fox, silently warning anyone that he can make the kill if he deems them a threat to Yeux's life, and in some occasions, if they are the cause of his wife's misery.

Somehow, his memories of that time found their way in the same Star Yeux and Abel wound up in, but he was no longer the son of Garlemald and is instead a Hyuran who was the lone survivor of his family in the then war-torn land. He attempted to find Yeux just as he promised his wife from their original World. This had been his sole reason and will to keep pressing on.

He soon finds an organization whose members sensed something they couldn't quite place in him, and they had need for his skills - not knowing these were of his other life in another World.

Gaiux learned the knowledge they possess, their secrets, and how they could potentially harm his love one day due to one project that sought to use him for their own means. He bided his time, eventually finding the opportune moment to destroy them.

In doing so, he rid them of their records so that only he, in this Star, remains aware of what these secrets are to safeguard his beloved and eventually know how to prevent these from happening to Yeux.

The Echo
In this World, Gaiux was born with the gift of the Echo which enabled him to learn how Yeux used to feel whenever he was having one back then. It gave him a glimpse of his time before his own memories merged with the him in this Star.

While not necessarily the Warrior of Light, he is recruited by the Scions at the age of 31 due to intel Thancred gained regarding a Bounty Hunter who had a particular set of skills. For the sake of locating his wife in this Star, he's become adept at tracking different people and creatures alike.

Special Bullets
His tim with the organization he destroyed led him to learn tricks no one in this World is aware of such as having specialized bullets for his Gunblade. This enabled him to easily get rid of threats that ordinary means couldn't handle, or even put them to sleep or simply stun if his comissions requre him to capture the targets alive.

Thancred has mentioned being impressed at his stealth and how he doesn't give away that he knows he's being followed until he has the upper hand, indicating that when he was recruiting Gaiux, the man let Thancred track him on purpose as he knew there was a better chance to find Yeux by being with the Scions.

Strategy & Tactics
Having retained his memories as a former Legatus, he has better experience when it comes to warfare and various combats, making him a more formidable opponent to anyone who crosses his path - especially if the opposing party is targeting his wife.

Aether Manipulation
Although not fully adept, he has learned how to use the aether this body has not only from his time with the mystery group, but also with the Scions and eventually, after reuniting with Yeux. While still preferring to wield his Gunblade like usual, the surrounding threats from various dimensions caused him to learn more ways to fight and defend his partner.

He made it clear to everyone around him that his priority is and will always be Yeux, his Raikou. So he only ever assists in missions that has the high possibility of Yeux showing up despite the group's lack of information of the fox existing.

After learning more of Dynamis, he briefly wondered if his love for Yeux and desire to see him are strong enough to find him or have him come to him. As it happens, they find themselves face to face in the last bout to go against the Endsinger, with Yeux telling him where to find him after Gaiux gets sent back to the ship with the Scions. Soon, they can finally be reunited.

Gaiux wastes no time heading to Garlemald as the ship lands, and he rushes to the location where they last saw each other before their World was sundered. There, he spots him, his wife. He was with Abel and it seems as if the two had just arrived in this World. Yet he can only see him...

"Raikou... finally..."

Having lived his life serving his Emperor and Homeland in their old lives, he's never sought anything for himself until he met Yeux. Their reunion and decision to be together in this World and in every timeline had them learn of memories of old from when they were once whole.

The longing for one another, feeling as if they're incomplete without each other, was not just because of their love but also by their past selves promising one another that they are each other's half. Raikou holds his heart within his chest just as he has Yeux's in his. This gave them the strength to keep on living as this reminds them they are also living for one another.

After losing him once, Gaiux decided then and there that it will never happen again.

"Everything and anything I do, I do for you, Raikou. Nothing and no one else."